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Anything that you believe you can do strong enough, you can do. Anything. As long as you believe
Believe in your ability to be successful in the things you have a passion for. These are God given gifts for you to use
Nobody can impose your beliefs on you. It’s always you who in the last instance can permit a belief to be true for you or not!
This life is not forever, nor is it the best life that will ever be.
The fact is that believers are headed for heaven
Apply the ABC’s of success to your life. Ask, Believe and Claim It
Making things happen in your life requires a faith, or an ability to believe that is unshakable, regardless of your circumstances.
The 7th Population & Housing Census online orientation meeting with Chief Secretaries of all Provinces/regions was held on 13.08.2021 under the Chairmanship of Secretary, M/o PD&SI.
It was decided that physical meetings of PBS teams will be held with provincial governments/ AJ&K & GB for detailed deliberation and feedback on recommendations before its finalization for approval from the appropriate forum. In pursuance of the decisions of the above meeting, following meeting with provinces have been conducted so far
5 Works shops has been conducted successfully in different Cities of Pakistan
1- Islamabad (24th Dec, 2021)
2- Lahore (28th Dec,2021)
3- Karachi (30th Dec, 2021)
4- Quetta (3rd Jan, 2022)
5- Peshawar (5th Jan, 2022)
6- AJ&K (10th Jan, 2022)
5 Sessions has been conducted with nadra so far against multiple agendas
Internal meetings on following points has been conducted so far
Sensitization Work Shops
24 Dec 2021 (Friday)
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics hosts 1st sensitization workshop on 7th Population and housing Census 2022“First Ever Digital” Census of Pakistan at Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad Dec 24, 2021 the series of sensitization workshops on 7th Population and Housing - digital census began today. Hosted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, the one day workshop featured the sensitization of the academia, researchers, policy makers as well as the public, since it symbolizes the beginning of a critical synergetic relationship that will exist between the PBS and the stake holders throughout the gigantic national activity. The event covered Keynote speeches, Presentation on 7th Population and Housing Census 2022 First ever Digital census, discussion session between the stakeholders and PBS. Vice Chancellor AIOU Prof Dr.Zia-ul-Qayyum in his inaugural speech congratulated Govt. of Pakistan and PBS on taking the initiative of Digital Census. He appreciated that geo tagging and electronic data collection will increase the reliability & transparency of the process. He offered all kind of support for this National cause. Focal person on Digital Census, Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, in his presentation emphasized that the involvement of stakeholders from start to end will be priority of PBS for wide acceptability of census results. It will clear their concepts regarding census process and will be a start of their involvement and ownership in census process. He further sensitized about recommendations of Census Advisory Committee for conduct of the 7th Population Housing Census. Moreover, he included that PBS is conducting Census after five years interval, as per decision of CCI, for the first time, with the use of latest tools and technologies for improved quality of data. Geo-tagging and tablet based, Self-enumeration system will build trust of our stakeholders. All efforts are made to address the issues identified in Population & Housing Census 2017.Further the questionnaire has been drafted by the technical committee to address the objectives of census. During Q/A session, all the queries of the participants were addressed related to Census 2022 digitization process. Chief Statistician, Dr. Naeem uz Zafar, in his closing remarks appreciated the efforts of PBS team, working day and night for this National cause and hoped that they will work with same dedication to accomplish this task. Sensitization workshops is an effort of PBS to bring awareness about the census process among the masses and to avoid the trust deficit by engaging academia/universities, researchers, demographers, data users, NGOs and other Stakeholders and such workshops will also be held at Provincial Level.
28 Dec 2021 (Tuesday)
Sensitization Workshop on 7th Population and Housing Census 2022, the First Ever Digital Census of Pakistan Lahore, December 28, 2021 (Tuesday) Second sensitization workshop of the series in connection with the forthcoming 7th Population and Housing Census 2022...Read More
Press Release
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Sensitization Workshop on 7th Population and Housing Census 2022, the First Ever Digital Census of Pakistan Lahore, December 28, 2021 (Tuesday) Second sensitization workshop of the series in connection with the forthcoming 7th Population and Housing Census 2022, the first ever Digital Census in Pakistan, was organized by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics at University of the Punjab, Lahore. The one day workshop featured the sensitization of the researchers, academia, policy makers as well as the public, as it symbolizes the critical synergetic relationship that will exist between the PBS and the stakeholders throughout the gigantic national activity. The event covered Keynote speeches, Presentation on 7th Population and Housing Census 2022-First Ever Digital Census, discussion session between the stakeholders and PBS. Dr. Muhammad Saleem Mazhar, Pro Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab, Lahore was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Dr. Naeem uz Zafar, Chief Statistician along with Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, Focal Person on Digital Census, Dr. Amjad Javaid Sandhu, Census Commissioner, and other Directors/Senior Officers from PBS Islamabad and Lahore, along with Principal College of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, University of the Punjab and his team hosted the event. Mr. Sajid Rasul, Focal Person Punjab for Population Census and Director General Bureau of Statistics Punjab, representatives of various provincial departments, research institutions, universities, organizations, students, and many others attended the workshop. Dr. Muhammad Saleem Mazhar, Pro Vice Chancellor, in his inaugural address, shed light on the value of Census and Population data in evidence-based decision making and appreciated the working of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics towards the initiation of the first ever digital census in Pakistan. Focal person on Digital Census, Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, in his presentation highlighted the recommendations of Census Advisory Committee for conduct of the 7th Population & Housing Census-2022. Moreover, he included that as per decision of CCI, PBS is going to conduct Census after five years interval, for the first time, with the use of latest tools and technologies by adopting the best international practices with the high aim to fetch improved quality of data. Geo tagging of each structure, tablet based and self-enumeration system will build trust of stakeholders. Further the questionnaire has been drafted by the technical committee to address the objectives of the census..All efforts have been made to address the issues identified in Population & Housing Census 2017. He emphasized that involvement of stakeholders will be prioritized by making census process comprehensive for wide acceptability of census results. During Q/A session, all queries of the participants were addressed related to Digitization process of Census 2022. Chief Statistician, Dr. Naeem uz Zafar, in his closing remarks appreciated the efforts of PBS team, working day and night for this National cause and hoped that they will work with same commitment to accomplish this task. The efforts of the Provincial Office of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Focal Person on Digital Census in Punjab, and Principal CSAS of the University of the Punjab were admired and acknowledged by the Chief Statistician for successfully organizing the sensitization workshop.
30 Dec 2021 (Thursday)
Sensitization Workshop on 7th Population and Housing Census, the First Ever Digital Census of Pakistan in Karachi, December 30, 2021 (Thursday) Third sensitization workshop of the series in connection with the forthcoming 7th Population and Housing Census 2022...Read More
Press Release
Institute of Business Administration, Karachi
Sensitization Workshop on 7th Population and Housing Census, the First Ever Digital Census of Pakistan in Karachi, December 30, 2021 (Thursday) Third sensitization workshop of the series in connection with the forthcoming 7th Population and Housing Census 2022, the first ever Digital Census of Pakistan, was organized by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics at Institute of Business Administration, Karachi. The one-day workshop featured the sensitization of researchers, academia, demographers, policy makers and general public about Population Census. Since awareness and cooperation of stakeholders and masses are the vital requirements for successful completion of this enormous national activity. Dr. Syed Akbar Zaidi, Executive Director, Institute of Business Administration, Karachi was the Chief Guest. Dr. Naeem uz Zafar, Chief Statistician, Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, Focal Person on Digital Census and other Directors/Senior Officers, from PBS Islamabad and Karachi, in collaboration with Institute of Business Administration, Karachi, hosted this event. The workshop was attended by Senior Officers, representatives of various provincial departments, research institutions, universities, organizations, students, and many others. Dr. Syed Akbar Zaidi, Executive Director, in his address emphasized on importance of Census for Pakistan and especially for Karachi which is considered as mini Pakistan. He further added that Census is the pre requisite for development. Besides, Census data is also important for Researchers. He hoped that Digital data collection will address all the challenges of Census for current era. Focal person on Digital Census, Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, while highlighting the main features of Digital Census informed the audience that the upcoming census has been planned by keeping in view the recommendations of Census Advisory Committee for conduct of the 7th Population & Housing Census2022. The committee was formulated in the 45th session of CCI. He further added that as per decision of CCI, PBS is going to conduct Census after five years’ interval, for the first time, with the use of latest tools and technologies by adopting the best international practices with high aim to fetch improved quality of data. Geo tagging of each structure, tablet based and self-enumeration system will build trust of stakeholders in Census results. Further the questionnaire has been carefully drafted by the consent of technical committee including renowned demographers to address the objectives of the census. All efforts have been made to address the issues identified in Population & Housing Census 2017. He emphasized that involvement of all stakeholders will be prioritized by making census process comprehensive for wide acceptability of census results. During Question & Answer session, all queries of the participants relating to Digitization process of Census 2022 were addressed. Chief Statistician, Dr. Naeem uz Zafar, in his closing remarks appreciated the efforts of PBS team-working day and night for this National cause and hoped that they will work with same commitment to accomplish this task. He further assured that census will be conducted with consensus of all stakeholders and the whole process will be transparent. The efforts of the Provincial Office of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Focal Person on Digital Census, and Executive Director of the Institute of Business Administration were admired and acknowledged by the Chief Statistician for successfully organizing the sensitization workshop.
03 Jan 2022 (Monday)
Sensitization Workshop on 7th Population and Housing Census 2022, the First Ever Digital Census of Pakistan Quetta, January 3, 2022 (Monday) Fourth sensitization workshop of the series in connection with the forthcoming 7th Population and Housing Census 2022...Read More
Press Release
Officers Club Quetta
Sensitization Workshop on 7th Population and Housing Census 2022, the First Ever Digital Census of Pakistan Quetta, January 3, 2022 (Monday) Fourth sensitization workshop of the series in connection with the forthcoming 7th Population and Housing Census 2022, the first ever Digital Census in Pakistan, was organized by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics at Officer’s Club Quetta. The one-day workshop featured the sensitization of the researchers, academia, policy makers as well as the public, as it symbolizes the critical synergetic relationship that will exist between the PBS and the stakeholders throughout the gigantic national activity. The event covered Keynote speeches, Presentation on 7th Population and Housing Census 2022-First Ever Digital Census, discussion session between the stakeholders and PBS. Mr. Pasand Khan Buledi, Chairman Balochistan Revenue Authority, Quetta was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, Focal Person on Digital Census, Ms. Rabia Awan, Director Census Project Management Unit along with other Directors/Senior Officers from PBS Islamabad and Quetta hosted the event. Mr. Pasand Khan Buledi, Chairman Balochistan Revenue Authority, Quetta in his inaugural address, congratulated PBS for organizing sensitization workshop on Population and Housing Census and appreciated the initiative of Census Awareness Workshops. He also highlighted the value of Census and Population data for providing baseline for development especially for developing countries like Pakistan. He shared his experiences being the Provincial Census Commissioner during 2017 and identified the issues and problem faced during census operation that were coordination, management of trainings, transportation and communication issues. He further added that proper representation of provincial government as nominated by respective government may be made in all committees constituted for conduct of census 2022 for aligning it with ground realities of the provinces. Focal person on Digital Census, Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, in his presentation highlighted the recommendations of Census Advisory Committee for conduct of the 7th Population & Housing Census-2022. Moreover, he informed audience that keeping in view the Prime Minister’s vision of digital Pakistan, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics has decided to conduct the next census digitally through tablets along with Geo tagging of every structure for real time monitoring, complete coverage and quality data. As per decision of CCI, PBS is going to conduct Census after five years interval, for the first time, with the use of latest tools and technologies by adopting the best international practices with the high aim to fetch improved quality of data. Further the questionnaire has been drafted by the technical committee to address the objectives of the census. All efforts have been made to address the issues identified in Population & Housing Census 2017. He emphasized that involvement of stakeholders will be prioritized by making census process comprehensive for wide acceptability of census results. During Q/A session, all queries of the participants were addressed related to Digitization process of Census 2022. Prof. Dr. syed Muhammad Arif, Member, Governing Council, PBS in his closing remarks urged audience to own this activity and contribute sincerely for its successful completion. He appreciated the efforts of PBS team and hoped that they will work with same commitment to accomplish this task. He highlighted the importance of census data and informed the audience that Census data is important for improvement in following areas: Research, Employment, Economic Planning, Demography, and Representation in legislation, Income distribution, poverty alleviation, Revenue collection, Education, Population density and Health care etc. The efforts of the Provincial Office of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics and Focal Person on Digital Census in Quetta were admired and acknowledged by the Member, Governing Council, and PBS for successfully organizing the sensitization workshop.
05 Jan 2022 (Wednesday)
PBS in way of sensitizing its stakeholders on 1st Digital Population and Housing census 2022 of Pakistan Jan 5th 2022 -after successful Sensitization workshops in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Quetta, PBS hosted its 5th workshop of the series in Peshawar at Sir Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Auditorium, University of Peshawar...Read More
Press Release
Sir Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Auditorium, University of Peshawar
PBS in way of sensitizing its stakeholders on 1st Digital Population and Housing census 2022 of Pakistan Jan 5th 2022 -after successful Sensitization workshops in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Quetta, PBS hosted its 5th workshop of the series in Peshawar at Sir Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Auditorium, University of Peshawar. In order to spread awareness among the, analyzers, scholastics, intellectuals and General public to avoid the credibility gap, which was faced in 6th population and Housing Census. Ms. Rabia Awan Director PBS introduced PBS, Population Census and Digital transformation of Census in lines with Digitization policy of Government of Pakistan. She highlighted the importance of data for researchers and explained how PBS is facilitating it through user friendly Data Dissemination Dashboards. Worthy Chief Guest, Vice Chancellor, Dr. Muhammad Idrees, University of Peshawar, in his inaugural speech appreciated Government of Pakistan and PBS for their innovation in the conservative trends of census. He informed participants that policy making is not possible without credible data as it provides basis for research. Digital Census is need of the time; it will bring transparency in the process. He considered involvement of stakeholder as an appreciable step. He offered full support in this gigantic national cause. Member (SS, PBS) and Focal person on Digital Census, Mr Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, in his presentation on 7th Population Housing Census –First digital census of Pakistan discussed about the techniques and technologies used in the 7th Census. He appraised the audience about the process adopted for Census recommendations. The areas that were mainly focused were Forensic Audit of previous processes adopted in Census 2017, press clipping and articles reviews, keen observation of concerns and issues of all stakeholders, study of UN principles and comparative study of world’s best practices. He further emphasized that in 7th population census, electronic, print & social media will be used as an important component to involve the stake holders and general public in the census process as stakeholders will be prioritized, for wide acceptability of census results In digital census, the technologies introduced are Geo tagging and Self-enumeration system for effective and efficient census process. Moreover, he included that for the first time PBS is conducting Census after five years interval, as per decision of CCI. Further the questionnaire has been drafted by the technical committee including Demographers. Digitization and Census process related queries were addressed in Q/A session by PBS. Member, Governing Council PBS, Dr. Muhammad Iqbal emphasized on importance of Census for individuals. He appreciated the presence of representatives of different departments of University. He hoped that the audience present in workshop will spread the message of PBS as it is a National Cause. He hoped that PBS will not face hurdles in smooth execution of this huge exercise. Series of Sensitization workshops is an effort of PBS for appraising the census process among the masses, to avoid the trust deficit by engaging academia/universities, researchers, demographers, data users, NGOs and other stakeholders.
10 Jan 2022 (Monday)
Sensitization Workshop on 7th Population and Housing Census 2022, the First Ever Digital Census of Pakistan Muzaffarabad (AJ&K), January 10, 2022 (Monday) Sixth sensitization workshop of the series in connection with the forthcoming 7th Population and Housing Census 2022...Read More
Press Release
University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Chella Campus, Muzaffarabad
Sensitization Workshop on 7th Population and Housing Census 2022, the First Ever Digital Census of Pakistan Muzaffarabad (AJ&K), January 10, 2022 (Monday) Sixth sensitization workshop of the series in connection with the forthcoming 7th Population and Housing Census 2022, the first ever Digital Census in Pakistan, was organized by Pakistan Bureau of Statistics at University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Chella Campus, Muzaffarabad. The one-day workshop featured the sensitization of the researchers, academia, policy makers as well as the public, as it symbolizes the critical synergetic relationship that will exist between the PBS and the stakeholders throughout the gigantic national activity. The event covered Keynote speeches, Presentation on 7th Population and Housing Census 2022-First Ever Digital Census, discussion session between the stakeholders and PBS. Prof. Dr. M. Kaleem Abbasi, Vice Chancellor, University of AJ&K was the Chief Guest on the occasion. Mr. Ayazudin, Member Census & Survey, Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, Member Support Services PBS, Ms. Rabia Awan, Director Census Project Management Unit along with other Directors/Senior Officers from PBS Islamabad and Muzaffarabad AJ&K hosted the event. Prof. Dr. M. Kaleem Abbasi, Vice Chancellor, University of AJ&K in his inaugural address, congratulated PBS for organizing sensitization workshop on Population and Housing Census and appreciated the initiative of Census Awareness Workshops. Member Support Services PBS, Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, in his comprehensive presentation highlighted the recommendations of Census Advisory Committee for conduct of the 7th Population & Housing Census-2022. Further, he informed audience that Pakistan Bureau of Statistics has decided to conduct the next census digitally through tablets along with Geo tagging of every structure for real time monitoring, complete coverage and quality data. This initiative is in lines with Prime Minister’s vision of Digital Pakistan. After decision of CCI, this time PBS is going to conduct Census only after five years’ intervals for the first time. To improve the data quality and acceptability of census results PBS is going to use latest tools and technologies and adopting the best international practices. Further the questionnaire has been drafted by the technical committee to address the objectives of the census. All the above mentioned efforts have been made to address the issues identified in Population & Housing Census 2017. He emphasized that this workshop is important for involvement of stakeholders specially Government organizations, researchers and data users from planning stage. The liaison with stakeholders will be continued till finalization of result and Data Dissemination stage. Mrs. Midhat Shahzad, Secretary Information and Technology, AJK, appreciated the initiative of digital census 2022. She said that census data is of significant importance for researcher and experts. She further added that Data mining tools and technologies should be used to explore census data. Ms. Taqdees Gillani MLA Parliamentary Secretary for Primary Secondary Elementary and Higher Education in her address appreciated the efforts of PBS team. She assured all possible cooperation from her department. During Q/A session, all queries of the participants related to Digitization process of Census 2022 were addressed. Mr. Akram Sohail, formal Secretary of AJ&K in his closing remarks appreciated the efforts of PBS and hoped that they will work with dedication to accomplish the gigantic task of Digital Census. Further, he admired the efforts of the Provincial Office of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics and Member Support Services PBS for successfully organizing the sensitization workshop.
Member SS/RM, PBS
Member C&S, PBS
Training for Full Roll out
Pilot Census Field Monitoring
Preview of Pilot Census
Training of Pilot
Sensitization Workshops Phase II
Sensitization Workshops
Consultative Meetings With Provinces
Questionnaire Design & Finalization
Digital Census
First consultative meeting on 7 th Population & Housing Census-2022 was conducted on 06-9-2022 at 03:00 P.M under chairmanship of Mr. Ghulam Fareed Secretary, Government of the Punjab, School Education Department, in Auditorium of P&D Board Punjab, Lahore. Meeting started with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by a round of introduction.
2. Director General, Bureau of Statistics (BoS) Punjab briefed about the background and agenda of meeting and informed that the meeting is being conducted to share the proposed procedures & methodology for next census with the participants and to get feedback/suggestions of stakeholder departments for proper execution of the census.
3. Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal, Team Leader/ focal person for Digital Census, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) gave a detailed presentation, he while explaining the background informed that Council of Common Interest (CCI) in its 45 th Meeting held on 12 th April 2021 decided to approve the final results of 6 th Population & Housing Census-2017 and also decided that “the process of next census should start as early as possible according to international best practices by using latest technology”. He informed that accordingly Census Advisory Committee (constituted by the Government of Pakistan for recommendations for adoption of best practices for upcoming census with representation from all provinces) has done extensive work and reviewed the whole process of Census 2017 and identified the issues that has brought criticism on the process and accordingly devised recommendations with measures to avoid all such bottlenecks in next census for transparency, credibility and broader acceptability. The Committee emphasized on the involvement of stakeholders
especially provinces from initial stage of planning to compilation of results therefore consultative process has been initiated with provinces for their feedback before finalization and approval from the relevant forum. He then presented the broader recommendations of the committee with complete roadmap, methodology and timelines to complete the process. It was further informed that 7 th Population & Housing Census will be the first ever “Digital Census” of Pakistan and data will be collected electronically through tablets linked with GIS
for real time monitoring & complete coverage. The data collection modes using modern technology were explained in detail to all honorable participants. The role of Provinces in the field of data collection & monitoring process was highlighted for successful conduct of the important & gigantic activity of paramount importance. He further informed that a pilot will be conducted in March, 2022 and all tools will be finalized after review in lines with pilot results. It was informed that geo-tagging of all structures (including structures with economic
activities, masjids etc.) will be done during census and this will provide basis of sampling frame for Economic Census and other specialized surveys in future. He also shared with the house that, Computer Assisted Telephonic Interview(CATI) will also be used during census
operations for real time data quality monitoring and to ensure coverage.
4. After the Presentation the forum was opened for questions and comments. The Chair while initiating the discussion inquired that whether CNIC was mandatory requirement for census-2017. In response, Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal informed that data of all persons was collected during Population & Housing Census 2017, however CNIC was checked with NADRA record in random cases (6.5 million
CNIC) and use as deterrent for over reporting. He added that one of the major criticism by experts were on this aspect as it is against the UN principles of data collection, therefore it is recommended by committee that CNIC must be delinked with data collection.
Mr. Muhammad Subhan Butt , Additional Secretary (Confidential) S&GAD, Government of the Punjab added that as true headcount is needed for effective planning therefore CNIC may be considered mandatory during the field work otherwise there are chances of over reporting. Responding to the comment it was informed that the objective of census is to count people regardless of their status and
whether They have CNIC or not for planning purposes therefore linking of CNIC will not serve the actual purpose of Census. He further informed that registration is the mandate of NADRA and Census is truly separate exercise with clear objectives therefore the technical experts strongly recommended to not to link CNIC with enumeration. During discussion on questionnaire, it was proposed by Chair and Dr. Asim Altaf, Additional Secretary (Tech.), Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department suggested for including questions regarding out of school children, immunization and skilled birth attendance in the questionnaire. It was informed that out of school information question has already part of drafted questionnaire and inclusion questions regarding immunization will be considered and decided after input of the
technical experts, however immunization and skill birth attendant questions are already extensively covered in bigger sample survey representative at district level.
Mr. Hameed Malik (A DG, Board of Revenue Punjab) proposed that census tools may be shared with stakeholders for feedback. He further added that BOR has hired 8000 E-Patwaris which can be utilized by PBS for digital data collection for upcoming census. PBS team assured that the proposed questionnaire will be shared with departments for recommendations and appreciated the support of E-Patwaris for
data collection. While discussing on the proposed data enumeration methodology i.e. de-jure where the person is counted at place of usual residence, the chair enquired that that what steps will be taken to deal with possible double counting of the persons who usually
live in one city but have different home town. It was explained that the only effective way is the extensive and exhaustive training of the field staff regarding concepts of usual residence and other allied definitions for clarity to capture actual data. Joint Chief Economist, P&D Board mentioned that lot of issues regarding previous census were raised due to urban/rural definitions therefore PBS may lead in devising
mechanism for uniformity of the definitions of urban / rural. In response Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal informed that this is purely a provincial subject dealt by revenue and local government departments of respective provinces, therefore PBS can only sensitize the provinces on this issue for harmonizing the definitions of urban/ rural areas. Ms. Shrien Naz, Additional Secretary (P) Agriculture Department Punjab asked about the role of Agriculture Department in the census. It was informed by PBS team that all human resource for data collection (Enumerators, supervisors & trainers) will be provided by Provincial Governments and usually they are from Education, Revenue, Agriculture Department etc. therefore Agriculture department may provide their trained personnel in this regard, and in future their services can also be utilized for the proposed Integrated Agricultural Census which will be conducted after Population & Housing Census.
Mr. Asim Javaid Additional Secretary Home Department, was of view that census is a huge activity linked with collection of detailed data of individuals and need proper storage and security systems for successful completion of electronic data collection. Mr. Muhammad Sarwar Gondal explained that Digital Census is a national activity and will conducted with collaboration of various national institution like PTA,
SUPARCO, NADRA, Ministry of Information, Technology & Telecommunication. As National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) is mandated for provision of storage and data security infrastructure therefore consultations on utilization of services of NTC is in progress to ensure secure transfer and storage of data. Director General, BoS Punjab suggested for harmonization of definitions on key variables; slum areas, literacy rates, participation rates and out-of-school children, as it causes confusion among data users. He further proposed that for quality data collection option of using University Graduates for field work, may also be explored. PBS team informed that census advisory committee has also recommended the same and in this regard consultation with HEC are in progress.
5. The Chair concluded the discussion with remarks that census is a crucial national activity of extreme importance, therefore need prudent planning for its successful conduct. He has shown satisfaction on the proposed recommendations for conduct of Digital census and was of view that this consultative process will lead to broader ownership of whole process and results. He showed commitment that School Education Department will provide required Human Resource for the field work. He also added that all provincial departments will extend full support and cooperation to the PBS in conducting the census.
After detailed deliberations, the following decisions were made: –
1- PBS will hold such consultative sessions regularly with the provinces in order to
get their feedback on the process
2- The census questionnaire will be shared with stakeholder departments and
finalized after feedback
3- All provincial departments will extend their support/cooperation to the PBS in
conducting the census-2022
The Sixth Census-2017 was conducted in two phases. Phase-I started from 15th march to 14th April, 2017 in which 61 Admin Districts comprising of 79,773 blocks were enumerated. Phase-II started with a gap of 10 days from 25th April to 24th May, 2017. Eighty-Nine (89) Admin Districts comprising of 89,170 blocks were enumerated during this period. The field operation consisted of first 3 days for house listing followed by 10 days for population count and one day for enumeration of homeless population. According to Census-2017 the country’s total population stands at 207.7 million, with an annual growth rate of 2.4 per cent.
The Second population census was conducted from 12th January to 31st January, 1961 on de-jure basis. The housing census was taken in September, October 1960 following by Population Census in 1961. The Housing census replaced the house-listing operation. 2nd census of Pakistan in 1961, the population was 93 million, with 42.9 million residing in West Pakistan and 50 million residing in East Pakistan.
The third census of Pakistan was scheduled in 1971, but it was postponed due to the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971, then the third census was held in 1972. According to the 1972 census, the population of Pakistan was 65.3 million. After 1972, the Census Organization was merged into the Ministry of Interior.
The fourth decennial Population Census of Pakistan was conducted in March, 1981. It was preceded by a Housing Census in December, 1980. In the Population Census two questionnaires were used; one short and the other long which included all topics of the short questionnaire and some more usually included in a comprehensive population census. According to the 1981 census, the population of Pakistan was 84.3 million.
The 1998 Census of Pakistan was the fifth Pakistan national census. It provided a detailed enumeration of the population of Pakistan. At the time it was conducted under the authority of the Pakistan census organization, an agency of the Government of Pakistan According to the 1998 census, the population of Pakistan stood at 132.4 million. Despite being mandated by to be held 10 years that took place 17 years.
In 1951 the first census was conducted from 9th February to 28th February on de-facto-cum-de jure basis and an individual Census Schedule was used. The Dominion of Pakistan (both West and East Pakistan) had a population of 75.7 million, in which West Pakistan had a population of 33.7 million and East Pakistan (today Bangladesh) had a population of 42 million